Become your high school team’s GM
To provide you with up-to-the-minute scores on Friday night and Saturday afternoon football games, we’re partnering up with ScoreStream this year.
A scoreboard is located at the top of our website,
Parents, coaches, team managers and fans are encouraged to help report the scores while at games using the ScoreStream mobile app. ScoreStream is looking for fans to become a GM of your hometown team.
The scoreboard isn’t limited to football, either, as all sports are covered. A GM can control one sport or multiple teams.
The company gives you the tools needed to cover your team, customize your team page and highlight your team throughout the season.
You can even make promo graphics and highlight plays with a SportFX Studio which was released on Wednesday. SportFX Studio is now available as a standalone app for Mac and Windows computers as well as part of the ScoreStream app on iOS mobile devices. An Android version is planned for release soon.
The app allows users to upload photos and video clips right from the game, which will be published live on our website.
For more information on how to become a GM, visit
Coaches should still call or email game results and stats to ensure they get into the newspaper.