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Offended by remarks made at public hearing

April 9, 2019 05:15 am

To the editor:

I attended the third public hearing in regard to the proposed Bells Pond gas station in Livingston on April 3 and was offended and disappointed by what transpired. Following comments by members of the community voicing their concerns about the proposed gas station, a gentleman approached the podium; he was clearly known to the planning board, as he was not asked to identify himself, as is the custom.

The gentleman was addressed as Charlie by the Planning Board member who was standing in for Chairman Phil Schmitt. As Charlie approached the podium he said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear him clearly, “I’ve listened to these idiots long enough. I need to speak my mind.” There was applause from members of the community that supported his remarks. There was also applause from two members of the board that I could see. This is deeply disturbing to me. The planning board is charged with upholding our master plan, zoning laws and codes in the interest of the citizens of Livingston. I feel that when planning board members not only show support for a citizen’s opinions but applaud a man who refers to other members of the community as idiots it undermines the entire democratic process. It is clearly inappropriate at a public hearing for members of the board to demonstrate its support for one side of an issue. Furthermore, to applaud uncivil comments renders the exercise of a public hearing as pointless.

Steve Blair
