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What about the Life Members?

June 4, 2019 11:31 am

To the editor:

What about the Life Members that got the Fire Companies where they are today?

I think it is great to exempt active volunteers from New York State Income Taxes. But what about the firemen and EMS Volunteers that worked so hard and put many many hours in to building the fire companies and rescue squads what they are today?

I have been a member of the Greenville Volunteer Fire Company since 1963, 56 years. I am not actively fighting fires anymore, but I have held many officer position over the years, including Fire Chief, Fire Commissioner and several Chairs in County Associations.

I think the Legislators should also consider including all us old timers, most of us have more than paid our dues. Most of us are not physically able to make 55 percent of all fire or recue calls anymore.

Robert Carl, former chief Greenville Volunteer Fire Company
