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Ashland Speaks: Wishing you a tree full of memories

December 9, 2019 12:16 pm

Welcome December! The most wonderful time of the year. How long has it been since we’ve had real 2 day storm? The snow disrupted many plans, but also gave us a chance to hunker down and start decorating for Christmas. Maybe you got some Christmas baking done. Maybe you were able to just sit and watch the snow fall. Hopefully, this portends a winter with much natural snow for our slopes and businesses.

The storm altered my writing plans, but then decided that I would just have a very short column this week. I am starting to get a list of Christmas church services together. Please send me all of your information by next Sunday.

Happy snow days from Sonja Fitzgerald in Texas where she is enjoying temps in the 70’s.

After last week’s snow, a large bear left his footprints behind the last row of trailers in the park. The bear was not aware that the owners have a metal dumpster, so no dinner for him. Maybe he went to Bob and Pat Ferris’ house. They saw one looking through the window as if to ask “what’s for dinner.”

Soup for lunch! Come to the Ashland church on Dec. 18 for free soup at noon, then take one (or more) to a shut in. Our Cookie Walk will be on Dec. 14, and then come help pack for Shut ins on the 15th.

Opal DeLong enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at her nephew’s home with Dwayne, Rena, Ron, Chris and Darlene Spaulding — her fiancé Frank Fairbairn, Rena’s brother Harold and his girlfriend Wendy. It was the first time in several years (due to illnesses) she was able to attend. She also visited a few days and returned home before the storm.

Everybody off the road! Kyle Creech, my favorite birthday buddy, turned 16 on Wednesday. First on the agenda, get learner’s permit. Also celebrating with me is Dede Thorpe. Happy Birthday to us.

A wonderful 90th party for Pete Manfredi was held at the Palenville Country Club. At least 50 family and friends attended. Snow storm did not spoil the fun.

At least 48 family members of the Holdridge/Soule family got together at the family homestead in Jewett, keeping alive a long tradition. Great-grandson Josh was the star attraction. Nice to see it a farm again.

A special wish to all in the area from Mindy and Bruce Hawks who now live in Florida.

On Dec. 15, Ginny and Bob Gurley’s house will be the place to be. It is time for the annual wrapping session for the VA Hospital in Albany. Many hands are needed as each item is individually wrapped. We need cutters, tapers and stuffers. Please join in. On the 16th, you are invited to join the caravan to Albany where the gifts will be delivered to each of our “adopted” veterans. They aren’t just dropped off at the main desk. We go up to the floor and spend time with each and every person on “our ward.” Please join us.


Dec. 14 Ashland UMC Cookie Walk 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Dec. 14 Pack for shut ins at Ashland Church

Dec. 14 Green Room Players Songbirds Christmas music Windham Center Church 7:30 p.m.

Dec. 15 Wrapping for the Veterans at Gurley’s in Prattsville 1 p.m.

Dec. 15 Masonic Dinner at BrandyWine.

Please help me advertise your activity by emailing me at or calling 518-734-5360. I’m even behind on these. Reminders are accepted, plus new events.


Sympathy to the family of Ray Euchler Sr who passed away this past week. Prayers for Pat Zink Jackson originally from Lexington who is ill.


The holiday season brings to mind many joys and sorrows. As I sit, I remember all of my family and friends. Each ornament and decoration I touch reminds me of years past. I no longer put up a large Christmas Tree. No one comes to share it with me. I love looking at others’ trees, though. Most are memory trees. It’s interesting listening to the stories about the decorations. Judy’s son and wife started with a very bare tree. Each vacation they go on, they buy Christmas ornaments as souvenirs. After 5 years, their tree is starting to fill in. How wonderful to look and remember. I wish you a tree full of memories, and a house full of joy.