Fun Questions With William Van Slyke

Fun Questions With William Van Slyke

Submitted by on Tue, 08/21/2018 - 02:01 pm

Fun Questions With William Van Slyke

  •       What is your Nickname? Varies by crowd and mood: Bill, Punchy, Schwab, BVS

·         Favorite meal? David Lee Roth was asked which Van Halen album was his favorite. “They’re like children,” he said, with that odd Californian drawl of his. I’m sticking with Dave here, assuming he meant you really can’t pick just one. 

·         Are you a Dog or cat person? I like cats just fine, but my dog is commanding me to say dogs.

·         what music are you listening to these days? Whatever the algorithms serve me. Mostly happily stuck in time with the classics: rush, zeppelin, van halen, the cure, police, joe jackson; and some newer to me stuff like florence and the machine and a band out of Greene County called Billie Club Holiday.

·         At 13, What did you want to be when you grew up? Arena rock drummer. I can scratch that one off the bucket list if the Inn at Leeds qualifies as an arena.

·         What is your most embarrassing moment? Probably right now.