Huni Kûin: Music & Culture
An evening with Damiao & Cosmo, members of the Huni Kui indegenous group from the Amazon.
This is A donation-based event: All proceeds go to help the Huni Kui people sustain their way of life in harmonious union with nature, and to help them share their message.
Damião and Cosmo de Araujo Braz Kaxinawá are members of the Huni Kuî indigenous ethnic group living deep in the Amazon rainforest on their ancestral land in Tarauacá, Acre, Brazil. The Huni Kuîn and their way of life are an essential link in the global effort to raise awareness of the imminent importance of protecting the Amazon and respecting the earth. Damião and Cosmo have traveled far from home for the first time on a sacred mission to share the joy that is integral to their way of life through music, dance, and story. They hope to offer a window into the ancestral spiritual work of their culture and the tradition of the Huni Kuî people.
Huni Kuîn: A cultural sharing of Indigenous Music, story and dance from the Amazon rainforest
4-6pm, Sunday May 19th
Barnspace at Race Brook Lodge
864 South Undermountain road ( AKA Rt 41 ) Sheffield, MA
Donations support the preservation of the traditional Huni Kuîn way of life.
Race Brook Lodge is a hidden gem in The Berkshires, at the foot of Mt. Race and a short hike from the Appalachian trail. The yoga & event barn at Race Brook is simultaneously rustic and sublime, steeped in hundreds of years of New England history. The Stagecoach Tavern is unpretentious fine dining, exquisite farm-to-table cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Much of the food is sourced from Race Farm, right on the property!
864 So. Undermountain Rd. (Rt. 41)
Sheffield, MA 01257